Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Previously on lostintwentywords...

Ok, folks, stop counting. The twenty word limit is bloody hard, so if I want to use 23 or 24 words I will. But I will try harder not to, if it makes you feel better.

Season Two certainly didn't have me hooked like the first season did, in fact if it wasn't for the blog I might have put my DVDs in the pile with Heroes and 24 (deservedly abandoned). But, I had the blog, I had to keep going. Right? I mean there are five people reading this, how will they cope?

So it all comes together nicely after 22 kinda boring and repetitive button pushing episodes. Finally I found myself wanting to watch another episode, but there was only one more in the season! Bloody hell. Anyway, we continue. Season Three is longer than I thought, I've my work cut out for me.

I've got 52 days to go and seasons 3, 4, 5 and half of 6. This is alarming! But I've holidays coming up and the iPod is loaded. I can do this folks. Stay tuned.

Will Sawyer, Jack and Kate all get it on? Or will Ana Lucia come back from the dead and get it on with Kate? That would be better. I think.

Season Two: Ep 23/24 - Live together, Die alone

(I get 40 words - don't argue Jason!)

Super boring season redeemed by last two hours. Jack, Kate and Sawyer are stuck with The Others. Michael and kid are on a boat. Desmond realises he caused the crash - super magnetics! Desmond's girl, she's got scientists looking for island!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Season Two: Ep 22 - Three Minutes

Michael will clearly do anything to get Walt. Echo and John have their own spiritual agendas going on. Libby and Ana Lucia buried (so sad!). Then. A friggin boat!

Note: Why is it that every episode meanders slowly for about 55 minutes and then something happens in the last 30 seconds that warrants twenty words all to itself? So annoying....

Season Two: Ep 21 - Question Mark

They found a new hatch. I guess that was a big deal. But not as big of a deal as Ana Lucia and Libby being dead. Because of Michael. 

Season Two: Ep 20 - Two for the Road

Ok LOST season two. Now you have my attention. Holy shit. Michael has lost it. He just put bullets in Ana Lucia and Hurley's blonde chick. Then himself? I think?

Season Two: Ep 19 - SOS

Man alive I am bored. The SOS sign didn't get finished. Jack and Kate went out to find The Others. They found Michael. The romance at the end? Snore.

Season Two: Ep 18 - Dave

Focus on Hurley and his flashbacks. Wow! Poor guy has an imaginary friend that almost got him killed. Hurley got smecked! The chick is also a psych patient in Hurley's flashback!

Season Two: Ep 17 - Lockdown

Lockdown drama and Locke got his leg caught under a slammed door. Blue light reveals weird stuff on the walls of the hatch. Balloon story is bullshit - who the hell is this Henry guy?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Season Two: Ep 16 - The Whole Truth

Seriously, nobody trusts anyone. It's like the friggin X-Files all over again. Sayid and Ana are out searching for the balloon. Sun is preggo with a secret. 

Season Two: Ep 15 - Maternity Leave

I'm really not sure about the new prisoner. I'm leaning towards him being a big liar and a definite bad guy. Claire's kidnapping flashback are quite revealing.

Season Two: Ep 14 - One of Them

Sayid is as good at torture as Sawyer is at running a con. Things are starting to heat up. Trust is gone. Alliances are startin...

Season Two: Ep 13 - The Long Con

Holy crap - Sawyer is a total ass! He is a con from way back and he just conned the shit (well, actually the guns) outta everybody!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Season Two: Ep 12 - Fire and Water

Ok, Charlie is losing it! He is having weird ass dreams that he thinks are premonitions telling him to save Claire's baby. Stealing it in the night, not a good idea.

Season Two: Ep 11 - The hunting party

Michael heads off to find Walt and the usual heroes follow him. They find The Others. Scary ass bastards with special tricks. Jack and co give up their weapons. Return without Michael.

Season Two: Ep 10 - The 23rd Psalm

Here's yet another ridiculous coincidence. Mr Ecko's brother was a pilot on the plane that crashed and then killed Boone. Weird ass blake smoke monster came to attack Ecko and then flew away

Season Two: Ep 09 - What Kate Did

Kate's flashbacks show us that she killed her father. Wow. Michael reckons he is talking with Walt on the computer in the hatch. This is unlikely. Sawyer whispers that he loves her

Season Two: Ep 08 - Collision

Mr Ecko brings Sawyer to Jack in the hatch. The Tailenders meet the original crew (water came into my eye). What a surprise, Anna Lucia has a bad history. Is there anyone on this friggin island not running or hiding?!

Season Two: Ep 07 - The Other 48 Days

We get a quick recap of how The Tailenders saw the first 48 days after the crash. No doctor, things are different. Also The Others were on to them. Mr Ecko killed a couple of The Others too.

Season Two: Ep 06 - Abandoned

As The Tailenders keep walking Sawyer gets sicker. Jin and Mr Ecko see The Others, at least 5 of them. Maybe a kid or two? Meanwhile Shannon starts to hunt for Walt and accidentally gets killed by hot pyscho (Anna Lucia)

Season Two: Ep 05 - ...And Found

Michael does a runner from the tailenders (I learn that they aren't The Others), Jin and Mr Ecko follow him (much to anger of new pyscho woman Anna Lucia - hot, but crazy).

Season Two: Ep 03 - Everybody hates Hugo

Hurley doesn't want to stocktake the food. He wants everybody to be happy. So he just hands it all out and they party on it. The other survivors that Michael, Sawyer and Jin to their hideout.

Season Two: Ep 03 - Orientation

I'm already bored of the hatch. Press the buttons. Hit execute. I don't think that anything will happen if you don't but clearly nobody wants to find out for sure.

Season Two: Ep 02 - Adrift

Michael and Sawyer float back to shore and come across Jin who is running from a bunch of folks weilding rocks and logs as weapons. They get thrown into a pit. Are these folks The Others?

Season Two: Ep 01 - Man of Science, Man of Faith

They take a look inside the hatch. The dude living in there is Desmond, a guy from Jack's flashbacks. What the hell is the hatch? Some high tech bomb shelter?

Season One: Ep 24/25 Exodus Part 2

They get the dynamite (after Locke nearly was gobbled up by some machine ghost thing). Hurley sees the numbers on the hatch and tries to stop the dynamite. Too late. BANG! Charlie and Sayid get the baby back. Frenchie is loopy! The raft guys get radar of a boat. Bad guys on a boat. They steal Walt!

Season One: Ep 23 - Exodus Part 1

French woman arrives and speaks of the black smoke and The Others - she steals the baby. She leads them to the dynamite. The science teacher dude blows himself up. Unexpected!

Season One: Ep 22 - Born to Run

The Hatch - all agree that it needs to be opened. Lots of fighting and stuff to claim place on the raft. Kate's flashbacks are grim. Who's arent'?!?!

Season One: Ep 21 - The Greater Good

Jack is pissed at Locke, calls him Boone's murderer. Shannon is out to bloody kill him! Sayid saves the day but Shannon will prob hate him now. Sayid worked with the Aussie CIA.

Season One: Ep 20 - Do No Harm

Boone dies (I didn't expect that) and Claire has a baby. Jack's flashbacks show that his wife is a former patient that he fixed.

Season One: Ep 19 - Deus Ex Machina

Close up on Locke. Messed up flashbacks. Are his legs giving out on him again?

Season One: Ep 18 - Numbers

The numbers are cursed. Seriously. Hurley and Frenchie become friends. Shit. The numbers are on the hatch!

Season One: Ep 17 - …In Translation

The raft is on fire. It was the kid. Sayid and Shannon smeck on the lips. Sun speaks English!

Season One: Ep 16 - Outlaws

Close up on Sawyer. Can't decide if I like him or if he's an ass. Uneventful episode. Next.